sábado, dezembro 23, 2006

The Architect - Luc Tuymans

Luc Tuymans
The Architect (1997)
Oil on canvas
Collection Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden
In terms of his content though, I like the way he can sometimes bring the sinister to something that appears quite innocuous. I remember seeing his painting The Architect (1997). There is an image of a man with a mask-like face on skis, lying on a massive field of white. It was painted from a still taken from home film footage of Albert Speer while on a skiing holiday in the Alps. It was made to connect with other paintings it was exhibited with – paintings of prison camps among them. There was something in the text for the exhibition about a telegram from Speer to Himmler complaining that the prisoners had too much space.
Peter Doig

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